Bible studies and real life stories in
English, Farsi, and Arabic


Is Fear Holding you Back from Sharing God’s Love with Muslims?

Do you believe all people deserve to know God’s love?

Of course! We do too.

Why do we say and hear things like…

“I don't know how to share the gospel with a Muslim”

“What if they ask a question I can't answer?”

"I don't know how to start or carry a spiritual conversation."

If fear has held you back, you’re not alone. Fear is normal. But we’re here to help you.


Join us on the journey to effectively answer the call to share Jesus with our Muslim neighbors.

The Plan


Examine Your Call

Are you hospitable? In the New Testament the word hospitality means, “love of foreigners.”

When Paul says in Romans 12:13 “Always be eager to practice hospitality,” he’s telling us to always be eager to reach out in Christ’s love to the foreigners in our midst. To be hospitable is not an option, it’s a Biblical command and the call of every Christian. May God help us to examine our call in light of His Word about hospitality.



Intentionally Seek Opportunities

As you intentionally seek opportunities to engage your Muslim neighbors with the Gospel, remember that the God who holds the universe in its place has gone before you. Be confident in Him!



Continue Learning

After you pray and as you begin seeking opportunities to engage with and love foreigners, continue learning how you can more effectively engage Muslims with the Gospel.

Starting with the Effective Engagement Series, we’ll walk with you every step of the way, from your first “hello,” to your first meals, to navigating cultural and religious differences.


Andy + Tabi’s Hearts


After over 38 years of cross cultural ministry, Tabi and I have made enough mistakes to write a large book.

But, our love to share Christ has kept us motivated to not allow our mistakes or fear to hold us back from living out the Great Commission.

Our heart is that as part of the body of Christ, we would learn together to share Christ’s love with the nations in our neighborhood, and around the world. This is why we want to walk with you on this journey. Let’s encourage one another as we are all seeking to love, live out and share the Gospel, as we trust God to draw the lost to Himself.

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